It has taken over two years to get this update done, but it has been the most requested feature since the app first got its group features. So what is the major update… MULTIPLE GROUPS!!! People have wanted to create separate groups for reading with their church and praying with their family. Also, pastors wanted to be able to manage multiple small groups from one account. All this has been set up to work in version 4.0 of the app. Along with multiple groups also come multiple reading plan schedules. This means that each group can have its own reading plan schedule or individuals can create different reading plan schedules than their group’s schedule. If your app hasn’t already updated, you can get the update here:

The app also has had some enhancements for groups. In the group details page, you can now search for members by name. This makes it much more manageable to find someone if there are a couple hundred members. Also, gone are the days of trying to keep group reading plans synced or set up properly. Once an admin sets the plan, each new member will automatically have a reading plan set up for them connected with their group. Overall, it should now be easier for leaders starting up groups to manage them more efficiently.

Below I have quickly put together a video about the new features in version 4.0 of the app. This video was put together as fast as I could because we have family in for the holiday and I want to spend as much time as I can with them, so sorry if it’s not polished…

I would give a formal accounting of all the bug fixes in version 4, but there were several and I lost track of them. Nevertheless, I hope that everyone has a smoother experience with the app in general. One issue some people may face when the app upgrades is that if they are a member of a group and their plan was not in sync with their group, it will create a separate personal reading plan schedule alongside their group reading plan. If their check read days are not in their group’s reading plan schedule then they should switch their active plan. To learn more about this issue and how to switch between plans please check out this article:

Invite People to Read in 2024

With the new features in version 4.0 of the app, it has never been easier to get a group or church set up to read through the Bible together. Many people love to start reading through the Bible on January 1, so people tend to be more excited when you invite them around this time of year. The Bible Study Together Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Reading Plan has helped so many people read the entire Bible for the first time. Your invitation to get people reading with you could completely transform someone’s daily walk with God. If you are a pastor, Christian leader, business owner, or family member, we have everything you need to start your people reading together: Make 2024 a powerful year by downloading the latest version of the app and inviting your people to read the Bible with you today!