Day 569

The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan ESVKJV English Standard Version (ESV) Jeremiah 48 48:1 Concerning Moab. Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “Woe to Nebo, for...

Day 570

The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan ESVKJV English Standard Version (ESV)2 Chronicles 35:20-36:5 20 After all this, when Josiah had prepared the temple, Neco king of Egypt went up...

Day 573

The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan ESVKJV English Standard Version (ESV)Daniel 1 1:1 In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came...

Day 572

The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan ESVKJV English Standard Version (ESV) Jeremiah 7 7:1 The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: 2 “Stand in the gate of the Lord's...

Day 571

The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan ESVKJV English Standard Version (ESV) Jeremiah 22:13-23 13 “Woe to him who builds his house by unrighteousness, and his upper rooms by...