The study of the Bible, and particularly of the kings of Israel, can be a complex and daunting task. Fortunately, understanding the kings of Israel and their reigns can be made easier by using a chronological Bible reading plan. This article will explore how such a plan can be used to gain a better understanding of the kings of Israel and their impact on the nation.

Summary Points

  • King Saul was the first king of the Israelites.
  • The United Monarchy ended with the division of the nation into Judah and Israel.
  • Josiah’s reforms aimed to unify the kingdom under the worship of Yahweh.
  • The Maccabean Revolt was a Jewish rebellion against the Seleucid Empire.

The United Monarchy

The United Monarchy of Israel began with the reign of King Saul, the first king of the Israelites, and lasted until the death of King Solomon. It was a period of royal succession and priestly authority, with the kings leading the nation in religious and political matters.

Saul’s reign was marked by many successes, such as his victory over the Ammonites, although his rule was short-lived. He was succeeded by David, who was anointed king by the prophet Samuel. David’s reign saw the expansion of Israel’s borders, and the establishment of Jerusalem as the nation’s capital. He also founded the Israelite monarchy and laid the groundwork for Solomon’s reign.

Solomon was renowned for his wisdom, and was responsible for the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem. At the end of his reign, the nation was divided into two kingdoms, Judah and Israel. The United Monarchy was thus ended, leaving a legacy of royal and priestly authority.

The Divided Monarchy

Reading the Bible chronologically can help to better understand the history and legacy of the Kings of Israel during the Divided Monarchy period. This period, which began with the death of King Solomon, saw the kingdom of Israel divided into two separate nations, the Kingdom of Israel in the north and the Kingdom of Judah in the south. Royal authority was divided between the two monarchies, and the kings of both nations sought to promote their own religious devotion. The religious beliefs of the northern kingdom were largely syncretic, combining elements of Canaanite religion with the worship of Yahweh, while the southern kingdom was more devoted to the worship of Yahweh. The monarchs of both kingdoms had their own unique challenges, but by reading the Bible chronologically, one can gain a better understanding of the tensions that existed between them.

Josiah’s Reforms

Building on the religious tensions between the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah, King Josiah of Judah initiated a series of religious reforms that sought to unify the kingdom under the worship of Yahweh. His reforms included a purge of royal succession practices that had been adopted from the north, as well as a revamping of religious rituals.

He ultimately succeeded in bringing the worship of Yahweh to the center of Judahite life, unifying the people and creating a sense of national identity. To further this goal, he even destroyed the shrines of other gods and desecrated their altars. His reforms were ultimately successful, and Josiah became known as one of the most faithful kings of Judah.

The End of the Kingdom

Frequently, as a result of Josiah’s reforms, the kingdom of Judah experienced a period of stability. But the reign of Josiah’s successors would ultimately mark the end of the kingdom. After Josiah’s death, his son Jehoiakim took the throne. However, he and his successors did not abide by the reforms set by Josiah. This led to the weakening of the kingdom and the rise of powerful interfaith relationships with Babylon.

Following the reigns of Jehoiakim and his son Jehoiachin, Zedekiah became the last king of Judah. He disregarded the prophetic visions given to him by Jeremiah and instead allied himself with Egypt. This decision ultimately resulted in the Babylonian conquest of Judah and the eventual fall of Judah’s monarchy. Thus, the kingdom of Judah was no more.

Exile and Return

With the Babylonian conquest of Judah, the kingdom of Judah was taken into exile and the monarchy was no more. The prophetic warnings of the Old Testament had come to pass. The people of Judah were now living under Babylonian rule and were exposed to Babylonian culture. The prophets and kings of Israel had clearly understood the consequences of disobeying God. The Babylonian exile was a period of punishment and reflection for the people of Judah. It was also a time of transformation.

During their exile, the Jews took their religion and culture with them, adapting to the new environment. They kept their faith alive and eventually returned to Judah with a renewed sense of identity and purpose. This period of exile and return was essential for the preservation of Israel’s national identity and faith.

The Maccabean Revolt

Though the Maccabean’s revolt is not in the protestant canon and therefore not part of chronological Bible reading plans, it does mark a period in Israel’s history. The Maccabean Revolt was a Jewish rebellion that sought to restore the kingdom of Judah and its autonomy. The revolt was led by a family of priestly warriors known as the Maccabees, who fought against the Seleucid Empire. During their reign, Judah’s leaders of the revolt sought to preserve Jewish identity by enforcing religious laws and customs, which were often violated by the Seleucids. They also sought to restore Jewish autonomy and self-governance. By successfully reclaiming the Temple, the Maccabees were able to restore the Jewish religion and renew a sense of national identity. The Maccabean Revolt was an important moment in Israel’s history, as it was a crucial milestone in the development of Jewish identity and autonomy.


The study of the Kings of Israel provides a valuable insight into the history of the nation, from the beginnings of the United Monarchy in the 10th century BC to the end of the monarchy in 586 BC. The reforms of King Josiah and the exile to Babylon exemplify the complex relationship between religion and politics as well as how the nation of Israel has responded to foreign influences. Through a chronological bible reading plan, it is possible to gain a better understanding of the turbulent history of the nation of Israel.