Day 392

The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan ESVKJV English Standard Version (ESV) 1 Kings 1:1-27 1:1 Now King David was old and advanced in years. And although they covered him with...

Day 393

The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan ESVKJV English Standard Version (ESV) Song of Solomon 1-2 1:1 The Song of Songs, which is Solomon's. 2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of...

Day 394

The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan ESVKJV English Standard Version (ESV) Song of Solomon 3:1-5:1 3:1 On my bed by night I sought him whom my soul loves; I sought him, but found him...

Day 385

The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan ESVKJV English Standard Version (ESV) 1 Chronicles 23 23:1 When David was old and full of days, he made Solomon his son king over Israel....

Day 386

The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan The Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Study Reading Plan ESVKJV English Standard Version (ESV) 1 Chronicles 24 24:1 The divisions of the sons of Aaron were these. The sons of Aaron: Nadab, Abihu,...